
Why Do We Need Spiritual Tools For Our Work Week?

Should our spiritual identity and our corporate identity be separate? The simple answer is – no. Integration of your spiritual path into your life is key, for your spiritual development. We can no longer see the path as a separate entity or identity from work, career and family. When you own your spiritual path, you begin to own your spiritual identity. When you own your spiritual identity, you become more authentic as a person and you start living your life with greater flow. What does greater flow mean? It means the big and small decisions in your daily life start to feel right and there is an ease to your work week. The inner conflict lessens, and you become more unified and integrated in all aspects of your life. Mastery of our own spirituality involves using these spiritual tools to work through challenging scenarios during our work week.

The spiritual practices that we bring into our jobs and corporate environments, can have a greater impact on our lives and are even more important to support us on our spiritual path. As it is in the corporate world and in our jobs, where we can be more tested, triggered and where we spend the majority of our time. We need to bring our spiritual self and our spiritual rituals to the corporate world, without shame. You will soon learn, that as a high performing leader, executive or mentor by incorporating these tools into your life, your life will find greater meaning and purpose and you will become more effective as a leader. 

Are you looking to supercharge your day?


You can do this by taking a few moments when you first wake up to set a direction for your day with a powerful morning meditation. Daily meditation practices are essential. Your intuition is the tuition you receive from your soul. The most powerful answers come from within and with a morning meditation practice you can tap into your inner genius.

Practicing rituals is energy in action and motion and the universe responds to rituals, by providing you with a response to your intentions. Morning rituals set up your day strong, by opening your channel, to ask questions about your workday and the week ahead. Meditation is also a unique opportunity to create time for yourself at the start of your day before you are distracted by appointments, work deadlines, and other obligations.

Researchers think that meditation may stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, slowing your heart rate and breathing rate, and improving blood flow. These physiological effects that take place during meditation may be part of the reason why meditating makes you feel so relaxed.

Beginning your day in a calm, relaxed state can also help you be less bothered by the little frustrations in life and reduce overall stress and anxiety. Powerful intention setting through a morning meditation will put you in spiritual alignment from the beginning of the day to the end of the day.

About Sheila V

Sheila is the founder of Empowering Intuition. She is a spiritual teacher, mentor, intuitive counsellor and executive coach.
She also was the CFO of a global publishing company and holds an MBA. Sheila’s natural mediumistic and psychic abilities have been passed down through multiple generations in her family. Sheila has cultivated her skills in mediumship at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College (London). She has studied Reiki and mindfulness techniques at Esalen (Big Sur, California) and Vedic philosophy in India. She has been taught by world renowned medium James Van Praagh at The Omega Institute (New York).

She has appeared on Channel 7’s Psychic TV and All About You.


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